Spring's the master of the reveal, unboxing the season, an expert at creating anticipation, and eagerness in our hearts. Inch by inch the spring thaw releases the grasp of the gritty snow, first from the roads, then the edges of the gardens. Unfurling beauty and forgotten treasures that have remained hidden during the winter season. "Every year one day comes, when, although there is no obvious change in the appearance of trees and hedges, the Earth seems to breathe and it is spring." Elizabeth Clarke It stops you in your tracks... makes you gaze skyward, and to run your eyes down the matted bark of a once bare tree to marvel that what was a slow turning and has now rushed headlong into the full season. Spring beginnings are painted with a muted color palette, the soft greys, and browns of faded frosted foliage, twisted barren branches stark in the sky, but the full throated songs of the birds as they sing in the early morning are not faded. Their tweets a...
Exploring the beauty of Fields :: Forests :: Flowers :: Nature :: Okanagan countryside :: Rural :: Because your heart lives here ::