A Snow Globe World When you live in a world that looks like a snow globe 5 months of the year, it's almost inconceivable to think that there are people living in places who have never seen the white stuff. People who have never felt the delicious tickle of the first snowflake on their tongue, or been the first to lay in an untouched blanket of white to make a snow angel... Or felt the burning rash of snowy cold on soft childhood wrists when you lost a strung mitten from your hand, the too short string still travelling up your sleeve around the back of your neck, and down the opposite arm to the frozen fingers doing little to keep the mitt on. You Spin Me Right Round Baby Those who were never sent outside as a child so tightly wrapped with bundled layers of hand me down jackets, gloves, toque, and multicoloured scarfs twirled around your neck that you could no longer bend your arms or do much more than waddle slowly towards the door..only to be told to go o...
Exploring the beauty of Fields :: Forests :: Flowers :: Nature :: Okanagan countryside :: Rural :: Because your heart lives here ::