It's just past mid-winter That heavy bleak "it's never going to end" feeling centred deep in your heart weighs down your very being....but there is hope. We may be thinking longingly of spring, wondering when that's going to happen while temperatures drop, winds rage and the snow blows. The white stuff building up even higher in the garden, but some wonderful winter words should help us get through this dark and gloomy season. So let's explore a few winter words to push those last days of the cold and dark well behind us. All things relating to winter could be referred to as: 1. Hiemal As in, it was a hiemal season the driveway needed to be plowed....again...... Or it feels very hiemal out there, so maybe I won't bother plowing but just sit here sipping my hot cocoa. I might even post it on Instagram, a steaming cup, snow covered windows all artistically arranged. 2. Subnivean Situated or under the snow.... Let's use thi...
Exploring the beauty of Fields :: Forests :: Flowers :: Nature :: Okanagan countryside :: Rural :: Because your heart lives here ::